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Author: Joan McKamey

The NCCL needs your help to create a national profile of family and intergenerational faith formation. Please take the survey and share it with other parish leaders. This invitation comes […]
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Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. This Sunday, we begin the celebration of Holy Week. We remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and how the crowds welcomed him with […]
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For the English version, click here. Este domingo comenzamos la celebración de la Semana Santa recordando la entrada de Jesús en Jerusalén y el recibimiento que las multitudes le dieron […]
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Don’t miss out! The Pflaum Gospel Weeklies are now available with a NEW One-Time Annual Delivery Option! Avoid the frustration and panic that sometimes occur because of delays with the […]
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Whether you’re meeting this week or the children are on Easter break, make sure that they are prepared to celebrate the holiest week of our Church Year. Share these activities […]
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Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. In Sunday’s Gospel, a dear friend of Jesus has died. When Jesus learns about Lazarus’s death, he weeps in sorrow. We see […]
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For the English version, click here. En el Evangelio del domingo, ha muerto un querido amigo de Jesús. Cuando Jesús se entera de la muerte de Lázaro, llora de dolor. […]
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In times of challenge, looking to saintly models of faithfulness can inspire us. Every saint in Heaven faced life’s challenges with faith. During their earthly lives, they placed their trust […]
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Do you use Together in Jesus for sacramental prep? Is your parish looking for new sacramental prep materials? Check out these three-minute Together in Jesus lesson preview videos for parents […]
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Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí. This Sunday is called Laetare Sunday. Laetare (like Gaudete in Advent) means “rejoice” in Latin. It is a day of joy during a penitential season. Priests […]
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