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FROM OUR EDITORS—November 11, 2018 – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

FROM OUR EDITORS—November 11, 2018 – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Give until it hurts. That’s what the poor widow did in Sunday’s Gospel. She gave not of her surplus but of her sustenance, from the little she had to sustain herself. As a widow with no man to protect or provide for her, she would have been dependent on the kindness of others to meet her basic needs.

Jesus points to this poor widow as an example and challenge for us—of the generosity of both goods and spirit that shows trust in God’s care. In a time when so many people take having surplus for granted (and yet want and stockpile more), Jesus’ teaching challenges our lifestyle choices if we are among the fortunate who have extra. He calls us to more than donating clothes that don’t fit or that we no longer wear. Jesus calls us to more than donating food items that our family will not eat.

Jesus calls us to dig deeper into our pockets, closets, and pantries, so that we feel the pinch of true generosity. Our call to generosity may also involve giving of our time and talent, even when doing so cuts into our precious leisure time. Trusting God with our lives requires a leap of faith and is evidenced by a true generosity of spirit. (If you think I am pointing a finger at you, please realize that by doing so, I am pointing three fingers back at myself.)

This Gospel is good reflection for us as we prepare for the 2nd World Day of the Poor and collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development to be held in most parishes on Sunday, November 18.

Our team prays that we all—whatever our circumstances—may grow in generosity of spirit and trust in the Lord. May our example inspire the same in the children in our care.

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